

Better Education


Health Care


Humanitarian Aid

Immediate Relief Projects

Himalayan Sherpa Foundation has completed its first phase of relief projects which was the distribution of food, tents and medicines in the Village of Chourikharka, Solu-Khumbu. Solu-Khumbu is also popularly known as the Everest region. This region consists of many small villages which were harmed by the devastating April 2015 earthquake. Solu-Khumbu has many importance to the locals and as well to the nation’s tourism industry as Mt. Everest and many other 8,000 meters high peaks lie in this region.

During this phase, HSF has provided 350 tents for temporary shelter, financial help, medicinal services, transportation services, foods and basic hygienic products.

Our next phase is focused on “Rehabilitation” which we consider as our long term projects. Our survey team has already examined and assessed the extent of the damages. HSF has prioritized in rebuilding of schools, hospitals, monasteries and local houses.

Below you can find some info and pictures of the Immediate Relief projects carried our by HSF.