

Better Education


Health Care


Humanitarian Aid

Immediate Relief Projects

Majhi Gaun-Kavre-Sindhupalchok

Majhi Gaun is a small rural village located in Kavre, the border of Sindhupalchok and Palanchok. We first heard of this place from our guide Mr. Anil Sapkota. This village is located approximately 40 kms away from Kathmandu city. “Majhi” meaning fishermen and “Gaun” refers to village. So, basically speaking, this local village consists of Fishermen’s. Their main profession is fishing and besides this they also do some farming. However, farming alone cannot sustain their lifestyle. On our visit, we found out that Majhi Gaun is a very rural village with many old houses. They are a community of 100 families who were badly affected by the earthquake. As a consequence, the April earthquake damaged the entire village. After assessing the current situation there and understanding the locals need, we decided to help them with relief materials according to their needs.

We wanted to help them with immediate relief materials since the locals were doing their best to sustain their current living standard by themselves. They were living in small tarpaulin sheets over their heads. Himalayan Sherpa Foundation team members and our friend from Germany, Mr. Darek Wylezol, together went to distribute the relief materials to Majhi Gaun.

With the help of our friend Mr. Darek Wylezol from Germany, we were able to provide 2 big trucks load of the following relief goods to the village of Majhi Gaun:

-150 sacks of rice
-20 cartons of cooking oil
-500 kg of lentils
-120 packets of salt
-Sanitary items for both men and women
-Stationary items to the local kids

We had a list of all the family members from Majhi Gaun. So, while distributing the goods we called each family turn by turn. We distributed each family a sack of rice, 5 kg of lentil, 1 pack of cooking oil, 1 pack of salt, sanitary items and stationary items to their kids. We told all the locals to bring some kind of bags or plastics to collect the relief goods but their condition was so worse that they did not have anything to collect the goods. All the males used their T-shirt to collect the items while the females used their long shawls. One moment, in particular, that caught our attention was when one of the locals’ rice and lentil spilled all over the floor, then another young lady came up and collected the spilled food items from the floor. This was a really heart touching moment for all of us there. We distributed all the items that we had brought along us by making sure everyone received equal amount of goods.

At the end, the locals thanked all of us. They were very happy to learn that an independent organization from nowhere came to help them in such difficult times. We were very glad, satisfied and our hearts content from the inside after helping the people of Majhi Gaun. We would like to thank Mr. Darek Wylezol for his invaluable help while with us. Also, credit goes to all the HSF team members for volunteering tirelessly.

The following pictures display the HSF team members distributing relief funds to the locals of Majhi Gaun: