

Better Education


Health Care


Humanitarian Aid

Short Term Projects

Supported Programs in Nuwakot

Himalayan Sherpa Foundation has partially been involved in supporting the reconstruction of schools, water supplies, toilets in schools and construction of buildings for the under privileged community in Nuwakot district under the leadership of Mr. Shiva Adikari, the president of Tourism Journalist Forum and chairman of Gantabya Nepal.

The following projects in Nuwakot Taruka VDC Ward Number 4, 5 and 6 were supported by Himalayan Sherpa Foundation (HSF):

1. BP primary school (6 rooms)
Reconstruction of 2 school buildings with shower and toilet facilities

2. Namuna Jana Jagriti Primary School (3 rooms)
One school building with solar system for hot water

3. Hasti Keshar Primary school (4 rooms)
building with shower and toilet facilities

4. Construction of one building for Dalit sangh (an under privileged community)

Please visit shivaadikari.gn@gmail.com to see the projects mentioned above.