

Better Education


Health Care


Humanitarian Aid

Short Term Projects

Nakhandol – Goldhunga

(1 year later)

On April 25th 2016, team members from Himalayan Sherpa Foundation (HSF) went on to check the situation at Goldhunga and also to see the progress made in the learning center. The condition of the lifestyle was much better in comparison to the days of the earthquake but sadly there was still so much room for improvement. On the positive side, the Learning Center was doing exceedingly great. We met with the local teacher, Ms. Yonsho Dawa Sherpa (whom we have requested to take care of the local children who missed their classes due to the destruction of their school buildings and also for those who become very weak in their study because of the trauma they had to face from the earthquake), and chatted about the current situation. She told us about many positive things like how well the children are doing and enjoying taking classes with her. All the children who were not able to participate in their classes, or were not able to score good marks and those who have family problem due to the difficult situation created by the earthquake are also enjoying their study ahead. There were over 30 students last year and she is taking care of about 15 students this year.

On our visit there, we were greeted by plenty of innocent smiles from the local children’s who were attending the learning center. The teacher Ms. Dawa Sherpa informed us that most of the local school had reopened so the kids who needed help in their homework and needed extra classes would join her every day (Monday to Friday) from 4 pm to 6 pm. There were 15 students in total when we visited. The main goal of this learning center is to provide support to students who are financially weak and also help improve the level of study for weak students. This idea of taking classes is very much appreciated by the locals here as they are very happy to have their kids continue studying and most importantly for free of cost. Many other areas are also following this idea to bring back their students in normal level who have been missing classes due to the earthquake, financial problems or by the mental trauma created by the devastating earthquake.

Our foundation is really pleased with the work done by Ms. Yonsho Dawa Sherpa. We recognize her effort in helping the local kids and bringing the best out of them. We truly appreciate the decorations done to the learning center and also how well she handles the students. We are very thankful for her effort and will continue supporting her by any means possible. Also, special thanks goes to her Assistant teacher, Ms. Rupa Nagarkoti, for equally supporting at such an important time for the same cause.

We are very happy to see the ground situation of the Goldunga children and want to continue the support of teacher salary for another year too. We are just going to request Mrs. Dawa Sherpa and Ms. Nagarkoti to continue and lead the same role of educating the children for another year as well.