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Short Term Projects

Rebuild the Monjo Khola Micro Hydro Power Station in Monjo

Monjo village is the gateway to Namche which lies in Chouri Kharka Village Development. The check post of Sagarmatha National Park is in this village and every trekker must go to this office in order to check-in their national park permit and trekking permit. The area of Monjo is quite wide that spreads from Benkar to Jorsalle with the villages of Benkar, Chumo and Tawa. Before 2013, the above villages were under dark sky as they did not have any access to electricity in above villages. The locals tried to approach several donors to get fund so as to build a micro hydro power in 2010 and they finally got some support from few INGOs in the year 2012. Immediately they formed a construction committee under the leadership of Mr. Nima Tenzing Sherpa and completed the project by the year 2013. The name of the project was given as Monjo Khola Hydro Power Project. After this, the locals of all above villages were very happy as they received the electricity facilities which they have been happily using for the light, heating bed room, cooking meals/ tea and some people were also able to use refrigerators.

But the earthquake of April 25th 2016 has destroyed the canal of 25 meter and damaged the power houses as well. Inone of the meeting of Mahendra Jyoti Ex-student forum, Dr. Mingma Norbu Sherpa of Monjo has informed the present situation of the destruction of Monjo Khola Micro Hydro Power and also informed the shortage of money to rebuild this power house. He also briefed the meeting that the locals were living in dark rooms without light. The president of Himalayan Sherpa Foundation, Mr. Phurba Gyaltsen Sherpa, decided to give the cost for the reconstruction of the power house to rebuild the canal and the power house.

Himalayan Sherpa Foundation has donated the fund to rebuild the power house and the canal of 25 meter in the months of June and by July the locals already rebuilt the canal and the power house so that the locals again have the light and other facilities after the reconstruction.